Avante is Decentralized with EMS Ecosystem! We are thrilled to announce the official launch of Stakeavnate.org is coming soon– your premier destination for innovative solutions in the world of stakeholder engagement. At StakeAvnate, we believe in fostering meaningful connections and driving positive change.

“Let your Avantes work for you”

Our Achievements

Avante is first crypto token who build his decentralized e-commerce network

  • 500
    Total Users
  • 3935000
    Remaining Staking Limit
  • 1065000
    Total stake

How it works


Install trust wallet from Play/App store

Install world wide trust wallet from Play/App store.After successful registration process.Add amount in $ in your wallet.Add AXT and process purchasing AXT.<br />


Register your self on Stakeavante.com

Once purchase AXT than make sure registration on stakeavante.com to stake AXT with us for more benefits.<br />


Purchase Plan

After registration purchase our Stakeavante plan.Minimum 100 AXT for once level.1000AXT for all level.<br />


Start staking and make marketting for you

Once you have purchase plan than  you can retakes for more benefits and profits.<br />

Why Avante ?



Avante uses DPoS to allow the token holders to participate in the selection of 22 validators.



The community selects 12 (trusted) Governing Validators to ensure Avante  security.



Near-instant transactions and negligible transaction fees.


User Experience

A seamless blockchain experience, tailored Forex traders.<br />

Participate as a part of Avante

Our Happy Clients

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